The inau­gu­ral Print and Pa­per News­pa­per Con­fe­ren­ce will be at the Vika ci­ne­ma in Os­lo on 7 Sep­tem­ber 2023. And Anyg­raaf will be there to dis­cuss our port­fo­lio of pro­ducts and ser­vi­ces with the in­dust­ry's le­a­ders.

-Inc­re­a­sed pa­per pri­ces are ea­ting up the me­dia's pro­fits, Ad­ver­ti­sers are qu­euing up to spend ad­ver­ti­sing mo­ney on so­ci­al me­dia, fre­qu­en­cy cuts are be­co­ming more fre­qu­ent and we are in yet anot­her ye­ar cha­rac­te­ri­zed as a "ye­ar of fate" for pa­per news­pa­pers. Me­dier24

We couldn't ag­ree more and we're loo­king for­ward to spe­a­king with con­fe­ren­ce at­ten­dees about the stra­te­gies that we see wor­king for our world­wi­de clients using our so­lu­ti­ons.

About Anyg­raaf:

Ap­p­ro­ac­hing our third de­ca­de of ope­ra­ti­on as an in­de­pen­dent soft­wa­re ven­dor ser­vi­cing pub­lis­hers world­wi­de ma­kes us uni­que. Gra­te­ful too. Our pro­duct road map has been de­ve­lo­ped, re­vi­sed and de­li­ve­red with the be­ne­fit of de­di­ca­ted col­le­a­gu­es who pur­sue the evol­ving chal­len­ges of the mar­ket. From our world­wi­de he­ad­qu­ar­ters in Fin­land, Anyg­raaf is mee­ting and ex­cee­ding the ex­pec­ta­ti­ons of our clients. Through our re­gi­o­nal of­fi­ces and part­ners, our team has the pri­vi­le­ge to speak with pub­lis­hing pro­fes­si­o­nals as they grow their suc­cess, while main­tai­ning their cus­to­mers’ ex­pec­ta­ti­ons. It’s ac­cu­ra­te to say, we’re not on­ly in this to­get­her, but we’re coun­ting on our clients for fu­tu­re In­no­va­ti­ons.